Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Our church building

We meet for worship at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church.

Welcome to the Thai Presbyterian Fellowship!

Contact Information:

Thai Presbyterian Fellowship
A Fellowship of Forest Hill Presbyterian Church
5713 Forest Hill Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76119

Church phone: (817)-534-5331
Other contacts: BJ (214)-780-6458
Goy (214) 293-5920
KC (817) 705-6559

Worship time: Sundays at 11:00 a.m.

Who are we?

The Thai Fellowship was founded in 1987 as a fellowship of Forest Hill Presbyterian Church (PC-USA). We are a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ and seek to minister to Thais and non-Thais alike. Over the years, our fellowship has become much more multi-cultural. Therefore, worship is conducted in both Thai and English. Most of the sermons are in Thai with simultaneous English translation. After worship, we will typically share a fellowship meal consisting of traditional Thai food.

Directions to the church

Take the Forest Hill Drive exit off of Interstate 20. Turn north onto Forest Hill Drive and drive for about 1 mile. Look for the large Forest Hill water tower on the right side of the road. The church is just under the water tower.

Mission Statement

Our Mission...

To reach people of all ages, Thais and non-Thais alike with the Good News of Jesus Christ;

To nurture them, building them up in the faith;

And to launch them into the world as His ambassadors.

A Brief Statement of Faith

In life and death we belong to God.
Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
The love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
We trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel,
Whom alone we worship and serve.
We trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who came to earth as God Incarnate,
Who sacrificed Himself on the cross as atonement for our sins,
Who was buried, but rose again on the third day.
He ascended to heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father.
We trust in God the Holy Spirit,
Everywhere the giver and renewer of life.
The Spirit justifies us by grace through faith,
Sets us free to accept ourselves and to love God and neighbor,
And binds us together with all believers
In the one body of Christ, the Church.
In gratitude to God, empowered by the Holy Spirit,
We strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks
And live holy and joyful lives,
Witnessing among all peoples to Christ as Lord and Savior,
Even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth,
Praying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

Young Adult Group

The G2 group is our multicultural young adult group. For more information, see our website at